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OWASP D4N155 – Lista de palabras inteligentes y dinámicas usando OSINT

OWASP D4N155 Es una herramienta de auditoría de seguridad informática. Esta permite crear listas de palabras inteligentes basadas en el contenido de la página de destino.


Necesitas: Python3.6, Bash (GNU Bourne-Again SHell)
Opcional: Git, Groff

git clone https://github.com/owasp/D4N155.git
cd D4N155
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
bash main

Si quieres, puedes intalarla sin git

wget -qO- https://github.com/owasp/D4N155/archive/master.zip | bsdtar -xf-
cd D4N155-master
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
bash main

Video – Utilizando OWASP D4N155

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    D4N155: Tool for smart audit security

    Usage: bash main 
    All options are optionals

 -w, --wordlist <url|ip> Make the smartwordlist based in informations
     on website.
 -t, --targets    Make the smart-wordlist based in your passed
     source informations in urls.
 -b, --based   Analyze texts to generate the
     custom wordlist
 -r, --rate   Defines time interval between requests
 -o, --output   For to store the all wordlist.
   -?a, --aggressive      Aggressive reading with headless
 -h, --help   Show this mensage.

 URL    URL target, example: scanme.nmap.org
 IP    IP address
 TIME    Time, example: 2.5. I.e: 00:00:02:30.. 0 are default
 FILE    File, for save the result, get urls or using in

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